Beach Picnic and Snorkel

When the owners of Ramon’s Village bring their guests down for a visit, the Beach Picnic is always on the top of their “things to do” list!
Your beach picnic will begin at Ramon’s Village Dock with a comfortable boat ride northward to Mexico Rocks, where we will make our first snorkel stop. Huge brain coral, the likes of which you may have never seen before, are everywhere at Mexico Rocks. The water is crystal clear, and hardly any current is ever present to restrict your snorkel experience. Large outcroppings of coral, some protruding above the surface, are home for millions of small fish, lobster, conch and an occasional sea turtle.
Back in the boat, you’ll be on the way to your secluded beach for some of the best food you have ever tasted. On route, your first mate will prepare a conch or shrimp ceviche, a delicious mixture of flavors that will make you crave more.
Upon arriving, your guides will build a fire while you walk the beach in search for treasure. You can never tell what you might find washed up on the beach. The owner of Ramon’s has found many items of great interest. When your lunch is ready, you’ll sit down to coleslaw, tortillas, baked potatoes, chips and fresh seafood, prepared like only our guides know how. You’ll be talking about this experience for years.
On your way back to Ramon’s, a brief stop at Mata Rocks allows you to get one more taste of God’s creative handiwork beneath the sea. In our opinion, you can’t snorkel too much in our beautiful Caribbean Sea.
Trip departs Ramon’s Village dock at 9:00 AM and returns about 4 PM. Requires a minimum of 6 persons. Bottled Water ans Soft Drinks are included. Cost is $125 per person plus 12.5% tax. $10 park fee and gear not included.
*Please note: Due to weather conditions snorkel and picnic locations may vary.