-Breaking News-

Two More Humans Grow Fins Ramon's Village Divers congratulates Jacqueline & Robert Newly-Certified PADI Open Water Divers Don't stay out of the water too long, hurry back!

2016-10-12T09:53:13-05:00February 11th, 2016|

Way to Go!

We Congratulate Melinda of Pacific Palisades on logging her 500th dive while diving with Ramon's Village Divers during her 3rd trip to Ramon's Village in 4 years!

2016-10-12T09:53:13-05:00February 10th, 2016|

Deep Sea Fishing!

Did you know Ramon's Village Divers offers deep sea fishing trips? Once you catch your fish you can bring them to Chef Rommy to "cook your catch" for you to enjoy at Pineapples On The Beach!

2016-10-12T09:53:13-05:00January 8th, 2016|